SocialDesignSite - Startseite
SocialDesignSite - Suche nach Projektnamen
SocialDesignSite - Schlagwortsuche
SocialDesignSite - Integrierter Videoplayer
SocialDesignSite - Login-Bereich zum Hochladen von Projekten

SocialDesignSite: International online platform

SocialDesignSite is a non-profit organization that seeks to promote the discussion on the subject of social design. An important element here is the international online platform.

With the slogan WE CANNOT NOT CHANGE THE WORLD, the online platform presents a wealth of very different projects. The website provides the opportunity for everybody to present their project. This is possible through registration as a member and an upload area for images and text descriptions. For not getting lost in the abundance of projects, the website provides a name and keyword search. Videos and blogs complete the information service offered by


  • Technical concept
  • Technical implementation based on a content management system
  • Hosting and support